Fun at the Fair

This past weekend tied up the San Benito County Fair. Each year we anxiously look forward to our little, old fashioned fair. The kids have worked hard to prepare their projects, raise livestock and practice various types of riding here at the ranch.
This year, 7 Dreamors entered and we had at least one person signed up for every type of class they offered! Our riders spread there wings and bravely tried some newer styles of riding.. English, Western Pleasure, Trail and Showmanship. It was a wonderful experience and quite successful too! Mindy was able to bring home a "report card" full of straight A's as every single rider received AT least a reserve hoigh point title! Check out the standings:
Heather Bluhm- High Point Amateur Adult Hannah Bluhm-Reserve High Point 13 & under Christina Bless- Reserve High Point 4H 14-19 Christina Nelson- High Point 4H 9-12 Katie White- High Point FFA, Gymkhana Champion & Showmanship Champion Shaelynn Kutz- Reserve FFA High Point FFA & Reserve Gymkhana Champion Kayla Raitz- Stakes Winner , All 4 classes
Since Mindy was the show manager, we relied heavily on assistance from the ranch to make the shows run smoothly and successfully. BIG THANKS to Nathaniel, Sara, Zetta, Jessica, Jeff, Koren, Dena, Heather, Hannah, Christine, Nick, Julia, and Katie for pitching in and getting stuff done. The shows were great!