6474 Dogtown Road, Coulterville, Ca. 95311

In 1976 a 5 month old Palomino Colt named "Joey" was rescued from a Dog Food Buyer. Over the years he taught 100's of people to ride, and was shown successfully in English, Western, Jumping, Gymkhana, and Parades. He was Dreamor's first rescue and greeted Dreamor visitors until the ripe old age of 36. These days, Mindy's new Palomino, Koi, asks for treats with the nod of a head and kisses, while the numerous other Dreamor horses whinny hello.
In the almost 40 years that have followed, Dreamor Ranch has rescued, rehabilitated and placed into forever homes hundreds of horses that had once been abused, neglected, or unwanted. Dreamor Ranch puts horses and people together to make a difference.
Dreamor Ranch also has unique riding programs which include the "Champion Dreamor Team" as well as lessons on the trails! Students from 3 to 86 have learned riding and responsible horse care while gaining a sense of pride for their accomplishments. While winning ribbons and buckles are important, the emphasis at Dreamor Ranch is ALWAYS on having a great experience. ...and all monies earned from these programs go to feeding and rehabilitating horses.
About Dreamor Ranch...​

About Dreamor Ranch Foundation...
Using and supporting Dreamor Ranch as a resource in its projects, the Dreamor Ranch Foundations goal is to build Leaders by giving extraordinary Experiences in areas of Scholarship and Community Outreach. In addition, and because of it close ties to the horse venue in general, The Dreamor Ranch Foundation supports Dreamor Ranch's various horse rescue and rehabilitation programs.

Mindy Sullivan
Born in Cleveland, Ohio and raised in Los Angeles, Mindy's first word was "HORSE". Infatuated with their beauty, honesty and willingness to serve, Mindy has made the study of horse behavior her life's work. Working in a language the horse can understand, she raises, trains and rehabilitates them by being their "partner" and friend. Over the years her love and admiration for these majestic creatures has grown. For over 36 years, her greatest teacher and friend was her golden palomino, Joey, who patiently made sure she succeeded in most activities they worked together on. He was her first rescued horse (at the age of 5 months), first chance at training, beginning to end, and greatest success story of what is possible when you work together building the bonds of love between horse and human.
While in College, she majored in Horse Science as well as Behavioral studies and today has a close relationship with her Veterinarians. Her motto is that "no horse person should ever consider them self to be an expert...the day we think we are, is the day we should stop being with horses. There is always something new to learn."
In her 40+ years as a Trainer, she has produced many Champion Riders in Gymkhana, Team Penning, Cattle Sorting, Jumping, and even 2 Olympic Athletes. Her most proud moments, however, are the ones when a previously frightened student of any age suddenly "gets it" and gains the confidence they were previously lacking. Building leaders at the ranch and in their personal lives is the goal for all.