6474 Dogtown Road, Coulterville, Ca. 95311


Robbie came to us years ago From a woman in the mountains who just could not keep him. He was adopted by a wonderful family and lived the majority of his life with them in their back yard!

Francesca, Duchess of Carmel Valley
About 6 years ago a very sick, very old miniature donkey came onto the ranch and we named her Molly. Her owner had been willing to just let her die instead of getting her the Veterinary help she desperately needed, so Dreamor Ranch took her in. Several hundred dollars in Vet bills and medicines later, she was better, but not yet well. Along came Jan, a Dreamor Friend, who fell instantly in love with the tiny creature. She took her home to her ranch in Carmel Valley and nursed her back to health. Whie still old, Molly is now in perfect health and plays happily with her other much larger horsey companions as well as her favorite person. ...and has been renamed "Her Royal Highness, Francesca, Duchess of Carmel Valley."

At about 2pm on the hottest day of the year, Dreamor got a call from someone saying there were ex racehorses starving with no water in nearby Gilroy. All told there was a 3 year old gelding and 4 mares that got into our trailer and were about to head to the ranch when we realized there was one more mare in a back corner in really bad shape. We were told she was over 30 years old but we could not walk away from the once gallant racehorse. ALl the light was gone from her eyes as I approached her and she seemed to plead with me not to leave her....she was so weak I didnt know if she would even make it home, but we had to try. Only a month and food, water and love later and she was a changed horse (cover pic)! Unexpectedly a Dreamor Family asked to adopt her as a pet to keep 2 babies they had also adopted company as kind of a surrogate Mama. Ruby only lived about a year and a half more, but that time was filled with a family that adored her and lots of green hay.

Pozey Girl
When Posey was brought to Dreamor Ranch we knew this was a gem of a horse. She had been loved by a young girl who's parents were going through hard times and simpy could not afford to keep her. She was only at our ranch for about a month when Kimiko came along and again, Posey - now named Pozey Girl - found another young companion to love her. Whether they are out on a trail or patiently going through a barrel course, Kimiko and her pretty red horse have become the best of friends.